Tooletries – Get Organised Shower Bundle
Get Organised
Get Organised Bundle Grooming becomes a whole lot more efficient when you shower with our exclusive Get Organised Bundle. Featuring our popular Harvey and Oliver Set, this bundle is perfect for those who prefer the cleanliness of shaving and brushing in the shower. In addition, the bundle also features our 4lbs-carrying Arnold hook tile, as well as our 100% antibacterial silicone rejuvenating body scrubber.
✔ Glass / Perspex, ✔ Mirror, ✔ Shiny Tiles, ✔ Shiny Marble, ✔ Shiny Fibreglass, ✔ Gloss Finished Metal (Fridge) ✘ Wood, ✘ Unglazed Tiles, ✘ Concrete, ✘ Prefabricated Fibreglass, ✘ Fibreboard / Plasterboard, ✘ Textured / Uneven Tiles, ✘ Mosaic Tiles